Meaning - recognition. This is the day i was being rercognized by various awards, which i think very much overwhelming...
Top 1 - College of Medicine Revalida Examination
Tonotcher - Anatomy, Revalida Exams
Topnotcher - Physiology, Revalida Exams
Topnotcher - Pathology Exams
Topnothcer - Pharmacology Revalida Exams
Most Outstanding Medical Junior Intern - Dept of Medicine
Most Outstanding Surgical Junior Intern - Dept of Surgery
Best Junior Intern - Dept of ENT-HNS
Best Junior Intern - Dept of Anesthesia
Most Outstanding Junior Intern year 2007 - CLMMRH
If I were to ask a response to all these awards, maybe I can simply say that;
"Have your junior internship rotation as something enjoyable.
Just do whatever the world dictates with determination and wit,
and everything else will just follow..."