Friday, April 13, 2007

recognition night


Meaning - recognition. This is the day i was being rercognized by various awards, which i think very much overwhelming...
Top 1 - College of Medicine Revalida Examination
Tonotcher - Anatomy, Revalida Exams
Topnotcher - Physiology, Revalida Exams
Topnotcher - Pathology Exams
Topnothcer - Pharmacology Revalida Exams
Most Outstanding Medical Junior Intern - Dept of Medicine
Most Outstanding Surgical Junior Intern - Dept of Surgery
Best Junior Intern - Dept of ENT-HNS
Best Junior Intern - Dept of Anesthesia
Most Outstanding Junior Intern year 2007 - CLMMRH
If I were to ask a response to all these awards, maybe I can simply say that;
"Have your junior internship rotation as something enjoyable.
Just do whatever the world dictates with determination and wit,
and everything else will just follow..."

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

we are the champions

This 34th Interschool Clinico-pathologic Conference has set the name of University of St. La Salle - College of Medicine in the medical schools in the Philippines. This, i should pray, will last for years... Next stop, the Medical Board Exams. God bless to the pioneer batch. Bring home the bacon...

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Kk, ada. benj and I were competing for a national Interschool Clinicopathologic Conference in a few days time. Here we are, the 4 of us, drowning ourselves with books, journals and internet researches to give justice for a 3-year old boy who died due to DIC probably secondary to whatever... Wheeewwww...

We're pushing ourselves beyond our limits, with Kk and Ada having elective duty in Medicine and Benj and I an FD-OD duty in Anesthesia. WHHAAAHHHH!!!

Is this what you call "STRESS IN MEDICINE"????

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Here are some of the shots I took during the community rotation...

actually not a flower, hehe..


Saturday, February 24, 2007

grabe ba..

Suya ko ba!

My last day was filled with dismay.. Just waiting something for nothing. It's just a cup of coffee and a short walk together. Petty, huh, but it matters...

I'm a bit sensitive, but togetherness matters most to me.

I won't spoil your so called "LAST DAY" of my own futile feelings. Just kept it for myself.

May you enjoy your cup of coffee, some few walks and catching up of sunrise..



Monday, February 19, 2007



I actually didn't know what it means but it explicitly conveys the rich heritage of Bago City.

Paindisanay produkto sg kada baryo!

During our short stay at Bago as part of the community rotation lifted up my ego and spirit, as midwives and barrio folks addressed me as "DOCTOR", though not yet full fledge.


Sooner or later, I will...


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

getting older

It's a start of a new year and none has laid unto my paths...

What would I become?

Where should i be?

I'm 27 and still searching...

Searching for what i want or whom to be with me. Rather, will there be someone to be with me?? I don't know...

Counting the days of my life is exhausting. I shouldn't be like this. But I always taught to plan ahead.

One thing I'm sure, I'll be a doctor someday. Few more days and I'll be graduating. What's next? Another round of sleepless nights, tremors in front of residents and consultants, liturgy of "sorry doctor, i don't know the answer.." blah... blah...

God will provide.
